Our Capabilities

Laboratory-based studies

Laboratory-based studies
The 150 square metre aquatic lab

The IFRG has a 150 square metre world-class research and teaching facility (the ‘aquatic lab’) at the CSU Albury campus.

Our world-class facility supports efforts nationally and internationally in researching fisheries ecology, breeding, and behaviour; hydropower and irrigation infrastructure impacts on fish migration; fish passage solutions; and fish screening technologies.

Our laboratory capabilities are facilitated by state-of-the-art equipment, including:

  • Two hyperbaric chambers for testing the impacts of barotrauma on aquatic animals
  • A shear flume for investigating the impacts of shear stress
  • A screen-testing flume for examining the effects of screening technologies
  • An otolith saw and microscope for aging otoliths
  • Specially-designed aquaria for running behaviour-choice trials

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Our focus is on looking after fish from egg to adult stage and ensuring the sustainability of river infrastructure projects.

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